Prof. Sanjuán 60th Birthday Celebration
The auditorium of the Departmental Building II of the Móstoles campus of our University Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) has been the venue in which Prof. Sanjuán has received the affection of all those attending the scientific day that was organized on Thursday, December 12, 2019. The 60th birthday celebration followed the Central European academic and scientific tradition, which offers a tribute to its researchers and scientists when they turn 60.
Prof. Sanjuán, originary from León (Spain), is one of the most important researchers working at the University and one of the pioneers in Spain on Chaos Theory. He is a member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences (RAC), the only Spanish member in the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, and member of the Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe). He is author of more than 250 publications, as well as author of several books published by the prestigious Publisher Springer-Nature. He has also been editor of several books and has received the prize to scientific excellence in the URJC in 2014.
In the first talk, Prof. Jesús M. Seoane reviewed the milestones of Prof. Sanjuán's work, associated to the URJC as an academic since its creation in 1997, and is the first Professor of Physics in the history of the University Rey Juan Carlos.
After reviewing his trajectory, there have been two talks on Theoretical Physics, one of them by Prof. Mariano Santander, Professor of Theoretical Physics from the University of Valladolid, and another one by Prof. Roberto Barrio, Professor of Applied Mathematics of the University of Zaragoza. Right after that, some of the closest friends intervened to gloss the figure of Prof. Sanjuán. Professors, researchers, and colleagues and friends who have wanted to be close to the Leonese physicist on this date have taken the opportunity to provide a complete description of the teacher, the academic and the Professor, but also as a friend and as a person.
José Adolfo de Azcárraga, Professor of Theoretical Physics of the University of Valencia and President of the Spanish Physics Royal Society; Alfredo Tiemblo, Research Professor of CSIC; Andrés Fernández Díaz, Professor of Economics of the Complutense University of Madrid and ex counsellor of the Spanish Court of Accounts; Juan Luis Vázquez, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Autonomus University of Madrid and Academician of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences; Manuel De León, Research Professor of CSIC and Academician of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences; Arturo Romero, Professor of Chemical Engineering of the Complutense University of Madrid and President of the Physics and Chemistry section of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences; José María Pastor, High School Professor of Physics and Chemistry; Samuel Zambrano, Professor at the Università San Raffaele in Milano, Italy; and Federico Morán, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Complutense University of Madrid and Director of the Madri+d Foundation, have been some of the participants in this part of the event, besides several vicerrectors and the Rector of the URJC Javier Ramos.
Subsequently, in the afternoon session, some of the PhD students of Prof. Sanjuán intervened to congratulate him on his teaching work and his birthday. Finally, there were three short lectures on Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos given by former students of Prof. Sanjuán.
At the end of the day, just before the closing ceremony, a video was projected where many of his international collaborators and friends, many of them world-class researchers and professors, from more than 20 countries such as the US, China, Japan, Singapore , France, South Africa, Brazil, India, Poland, Russia, etc ... sent him a congratulatory video where they recognized his brilliant research career.
Those present finally left for a dinner organized in the downtown of Madrid, which has been the icing for the event.
Material of the Celebration
Presentations by colleagues and old students:
Mariano Santander Roberto Barrio Alexandre Wagemakers Mattia Coccolo Rubén Capeáns
Presentations by PhD students:
Juan Diego Bernal Roberto Lozano Alexandre Rodríguez Julia Cantisán Andreu Puy Diego Sánchez
Testimonies from colleagues and friends:
Cartas de amigos Jesús Miguel Seoane José María Pastor Samuel Zambrano
Video with the congratulations